
I do UIs and the strategy behind them.

I’m Mark de Bruin, a product designer with over a decade of experience. For years, I worked at early-stage companies, but after a lay-off in December 2024 I decided to go back to freelancing.

Picture of Me Picture of my dog Murphy

You’ll working
with me if…

You love small teams
I believe small teams can do big things, and big teams struggle with the small things. Small is often plenty. That’s the power of small — you do what needs to be done rather than overdoing it.

You want to launch on time/budget
I love setting fixed deadlines and budgets. Instead of throwing more time, money, or manpower at things, just reduce scope.

You want to empower, not frustrate
The world is flooded with garbage, overpriced software. This pisses me off, and thus motivates me to create better options that empower and delight its users.

Looking to partner up? Do reach out: contact@mrkdbrn.com

What I can do for you

My skill set is vast, and ranges from discovery and concept to design and development.

Product Design I lead and guide complex projects from concept to shipping. My goal is always to strike the right balance between customer needs and your business goals. And with my focus on clarity, you’ll always get a high-quality product.

Product Strategy I help you uncover your customer’s contexts and desired outcomes, and decide on what to build and why. This clear focus empowers you to make better business decisions, and ship the right things faster.

Front-end Development If a project allows for it, I design with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Working in the browser is much faster, easier for prototyping, and the best way to collaborate with developers.

Favourite Books

Books are my go-to for learning and inspiration. Here a few recommendations that have influenced my (preferred approach to) work and thinking.

Mark’s designs were always backed up by data and impactful for both our customers and the company. His broad range of skills, from product strategy to development, make him a force multiplier for any product team.”
Picutre of Doménico

Doménico Schwalb
Chief Product Officer

Mark helped us set up a professional product team. He has an eye for detail, is thoughtful and very critical. What I found remarkable was how he kept both the business and user needs in consideration with every decision.”
Picutre of Vijay

Vijay Durán Jiménez
CEO & Product Owner