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Mark de Bruin

Product Designer and Strategic Partner for Small Teams.

I have a decade of experience and design useful, easy to use digital products that your users will love and let your business thrive.

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What I can do for you

My skill set is vast, and ranges from discovery and concept to design and development.

Product Design I lead and guide complex projects from concept to shipping. My goal is always to strike the right balance between customer needs and your business goals. And with my focus on clarity, you’ll always get a high-quality product.

Product Strategy I help you uncover your customer’s contexts and desired outcomes, and decide on what to build and why. This clear focus empowers you to make better business decisions, and ship the right things faster.

Front-end Development If a project allows for it, I design with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Working in the browser is much faster, easier for prototyping, and the best way to collaborate with developers.


Online Marketplace for Used Construction Equipment.

I helped boost the revenue per employee to new heights by collaborating with internal stakeholders. Though many iterations, we improved workflows and the back office. The product team greatly reduced human error by automating tasks, and I simplified interfaces to the user’s exact needs. As a result, operations, sales and accounting got a productivity increase up to 1100%.

My designs increased conversions up to 300% for the public website. Mostly with the help of Hotjar and analytics. I also lead the redesign project to success. Better UIs and double the performance greatly improved our customer experience. And by finishing designs with Tailwind CSS in React, I helped the team ship features 2× as fast.

Equippo cover image Catalogue Random cards and modals in a grid Account overview phone Account listing phone


Tattoo bookings made easy for artists and clients.

Outliny was my idea for a SaaS product. I started with interviews and desk research. I used the results to map out the Jobs-to-be-Done. With a clear overview of the contexts and desired outcomes, I came up with a solution: A form builder that sends the artist everything they need in a formatted email.

I launched a landing page to validate my concept by collecting emails of interested artists. I also shared prototypes with a few people. Unfortunately, it became clear that there was insufficient demand.

Outliny project header image Email capture screen Landing page mobile


Manage company knowledge better at scale.

Nusio was a SaaS product that started as an in-house tool for knowledge management. When I joined, optional modules were being build for each customer. A poor strategy for becoming successful, so I suggested a better approach. By doing a competitor analysis and user research, we figured out how to best position ourselves in the company knowledge base market.

With this clear product vision, we started working on Nusio 1.0. Using Google’s material design, we got up to speed right away. By testing prototypes weekly, we worked our way to the launch of the improved web app. I also worked on the brand identity and landing pages. Sadly, our funding got cut last minute. A real shame, since we found dozens of potential customers, partners, and investors.

Nusio project header image UI add users UI editor Enterprice pricing card
Mark’s designs were always backed up by data and impactful for both our customers and the company. His broad range of skills, from product strategy to development, make him a force multiplier for any product team.”
Picutre of Doménico

Doménico Schwalb
Chief Product Officer

Mark helped us set up a professional product team. He has an eye for detail, is thoughtful and very critical. What I found remarkable was how he kept both the business and user needs in consideration with every decision.”
Picutre of Vijay

Vijay Durán Jiménez
CEO & Product Owner